
Unknown Cricket Team

Page history last edited by Lenore Frost 1 year, 3 months ago

Time Travellers in Essendon, Flemington and the Keilor Plains

Sporting Clubs


Possible Essendon Cricket team, circa 1886


Photo courtesy of Kerryn Taylor.


This may be a cricket team from Essendon or Moonee Ponds.  The player in the back row, second from the left, is Alexander Morgan of the Morgan family who ran the Cross Keys Hotel, Essendon.  In 1886 Alexander left the district for Wellington, New Zealand, aged 24, where he resided for the rest of his life.  So this photo could be a local team up to 1886, or a Wellington New Zealand team from 1886 onwards.  If anyone can identify any of the other players, or the place, that would be very welcome.



Here is a detail of the man in the front row, kindly provided by Karen.

I'm a little inclined to think that the badge relates to a premiership, and

the writing on the peak is the year,  It looks like it might be 1880 or 1886.

I don't suppose anyone recognizes the cap?


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